Chris and Melissa George
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About them:
Christopher grew up in a parsonage in the Western New York District of The Wesleyan Church. At a youth convention at the age of 14, he felt a call into full-time ministry. Melissa grew up in the Central New York District of The Wesleyan Church. She always knew that God was preparing her for missions work. Both Chris and Melissa are graduates of Indiana Wesleyan University and were ordained by the Western New York District.
In the spring of 2003, Chris and Melissa led a short-term mission trip to Perth, Australia. While visiting, they felt the Lord calling them back to minister to the people in Australia as full–time missionaries. Since 2004 Chris and Melissa have served as church planters in Western Australia.
Their mission, together with the Lord, is to:
• plant healthy churches throughout Western Australia;
• bring people to the Lord and then nurture and disciple new believers in their faith;
• provide relevant ministries for adults, youth, and children of Landsdale Community Wesleyan Church;
• assist in developing ministries and opportunities for church growth throughout the Southern District of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia.
Chris and Melissa have three children: Makayla (’03), Dawson (’05), and Brayden (’09).
“In the same way, let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16 NIRV).